To the heart of social needs
When you go to the heart of social needs, you find educational needs. Educational needs lead to people’s empowerment and society’s strengthening.
There is no real attention to social needs without an ethical perspective based on education.
“To the heart of social needs” is the title of my blog, but it is also the motto of a lifetime. “To the heart of social needs” is the slogan that tells you about my professional activity. It tells you about my scientific research, my commitment to trade unions and associations, and my life itself.
The page is a piece of life in the social and educational services world that I wish to share with all of you…

The draft law aiming to institute the professional body of pedagogist and social educators. What changes for the school environment and in the field of education for students with disabilities
The essay aims to examine what is appropriate to expect from such regulatory developments, shaping avenues for collaboration of professionals in the newly formed statutory profession in the area of educational poverty and special needs.
What we mean by carrier guidance
What is Carrier guidance? In this article I provide an introductive definition