Last July, the Italian Chamber of Deputies passed a law introducing a new public professional body. The body, called “Ordine delle professioni pedagogiche ed educative” will rule social educators and professional pedagogists practitioners. Once approved in the Senate, this legislation is going to change the overall structure of educational and social services in Italy. Moreover, the change of the regulatory framework for educational professions will produce important repercussions on the world of schooling, particularly in the areas of school inclusion, school guidance, and initial and in-progress teacher training. These areas impact the school’s ability to face educational poverty and to respond to the educational needs of each and every student. The essay aims to examine what is appropriate to expect from such regulatory developments, shaping avenues for collaboration of professionals in the newly formed statutory profession in the area of educational poverty and special needs.
The draft law aiming to institute the professional body of pedagogist and social educators. What changes for the school environment and in the field of education for students with disabilities

What is the purpose of the draft law aiming to institute the professional body of pedagogists and social educators?
Regard Telkom University