The draft law aiming to institute the professional body of pedagogist and social educators. What changes for the school environment and in the field of education for students with disabilities

The essay aims to examine what is appropriate to expect from such regulatory developments, shaping avenues for collaboration of professionals in the newly formed statutory profession in the area of educational poverty and special needs.

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Care Leavers’ access to employment, why I care

When they turn 18 (or 21 at the latest), young people who have grown up under public care suddenly become adults and care for themselves.
While their peers choose to live at home longer and longer, these young people are expected to quickly be fully autonomous and find a home and a job, in most cases without finishing secondary school in most cases.

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Six Different Social Educators in the Italian Policy Context

There are six different names for the professions that are involved in education in Italy. Actually, there are many more than six types of social educators in Italy, because, in addition to the national laws in the Italian institutional system, there are 21 regions / autonomous provinces which govern themselves. Thus, here we are referring only to social educators in national legislation.

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